2020 Gleneayre Farm Response to COVID-19

As of Tuesday, July 14th, 2020 Gleneayre will be returning to a full Working Student schedule.:

  1. Face mask required to be worn by everyone when indoors
  2. Bring your own wipes and sanitizer
  3. Monitor your temperature and if you do not feel well, do not come!
  4. The use of the restroom is discouraged. However, should you need to use it you will be responsible to disinfect and clean it
  5. Observe social distancing and remember to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds


We will continue to monitor the statewide guidelines, and we do reserve the right to change this policy.  If these restrictions are not adhered to, we will be forced to re-evaluate this decision.


If you have any questions please contact:

Alison Johnson  609-781-0935 or Jeannie Mattioni  856-281-5199


Thank you, and stay safe.
